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Be rolling in in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-05-24Updated:2024-05-24
Similar words: controlling interestpolling intervalfilling inrollingtrollingget rollingrolling pinlogrolling
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1. They are known to be rolling in money.
2. If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.
3. Once our business gets started, the money will be rolling in.
4. A: You must be rolling in dough, then.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. They are gonna be rolling in it.
6. He must be rolling in it.
7. We'd once again be rolling in prosperity!
8. "I don't think she'd be rolling in her grave - or trying to claw her way out of it" he says.
9. You have such a beautiful house, You must be rolling in it.
10. Look at his house and car, he must be rolling in dough.
11. She's been the managing director of the company for 10 years, so she must be rolling in it by now.
12. After all, this man was a tycoon as well as a doctor; he must be rolling in money.
13. E. g. You have such a beautiful house, You must be rolling in it.
14. Kanroji, located in the south of the Yangtze Zhenjiang Beigushan top, looking down from above can be rolling in the Yangtze River surging.
15. If all that mineral wealth were in the form of oil, the state would be rolling in money and taxpayers could get some relief from the constant cuts in services and tax hikes.
16. Ted's just bought yet another new car — he must be rolling in money.
More similar words: controlling interestpolling intervalfilling inrollingtrollingget rollingrolling pinlogrollingrolling stonerolling waveantirollingrolling millanti-rollingcontrollingrolling overrolling stockrolling contactcalling into questionrolling reductionset the ball rollingkeep the ball rollingcontrolling meanscontrolling factorcontrolling systemvertical scrollingto keep the ball rollingcontrolling machinecontrolling circuitcontrolling accountto start the ball rolling
Total 16, 30 Per page  1/1 
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